🧙‍♂️Webhook Wizard


Send & Receive Webhooks


Messages are received and optionally forwarded to the

url. All messages can be seen on the dashboard. If there are any errors delivering the message it will be retried with an increasing delay.

  • key (required). Your API Key. Login to get an API key.

  • send-to (optional). Url encoded. Messages will be sent to this url.

To receive & log webhooks

If you want to receive webhooks to see what messages are being sent.

curl https://webhookwizard.com/api/webhook/in?
   key=$YOUR_KEY \
   -d '👋 Hello Webhook Wizard'
To forward webhooks

If you want to route webhooks to a single destination with retry and logging.

curl https://webhookwizard.com/api/webhook/in?
   key=$YOUR_KEY& \
   send-to=http://example.com/webhook \
   -d '👋 Hello Webhook Wizard'

Send Advanced Webhooks


Messages are received and forwarded to the pre-configured destination. All messages can be seen on the dashboard. If there are any errors delivering the message it will be retried with an increasing delay. If there are any message transformations configured they are applied.

  • ADVANCED_ID (required). The Id of your advanced webhook. Login and configure an advanced webhook to get an Id.

To send messages with webhook transformations to multiple destinations.
curl https://webhookwizard.com/api/webhook/in/$ADVANCED_ID \
   -d '👋 Hello Webhook Wizard'
Message Template Transformation

A message template can be configured where incoming json messages are transformed by applying them to configured handlebars template.


  "type": "reference",
  "from": "Nigel Rees",
  "name": "Sayings of the Century",
  "class": "Book"

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